HVS ColorGIF 2.0 User Manual

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The dithering intensity parameter allows you to set the amount of dithering used to represent the image. This setting can affect the number of colors used and the overall GIF size. Changing this value generates a new preview, causing a new reduction if necessary.

HVS ColorGIF's dithering algorithm is superior to the normal dithering seen in paint programs. It is based on the same psychovisual analysis used in creating HVS Adaptive palettes, and its intensity can be varied. Used sparingly, dithering can improve the quality of an image with minimal impact on file size. Under some conditions, dithering can actually improve file size. Pay close attention to the file size as you change the Dithering intensity.

Optimize (In Bits per Pixel Section)

If any colors in the palette are unused, they can be deleted by turning on the Optimize check box and clicking on the Preview Button. This is most useful when dithering to a fixed fixed palette.